Git Tutorial (转载+总结)

Git concepts and steps

Posted by Clover on February 24, 2018

Start your git following instructions below

Work dict, stage and master
name function
work dict What you can see in your computer
stage Keep your files temporarily
master Keep your old version works

  • Create your files mkdir test to create a new directory

    cd test

    touch hello.txt to create new file

    vi hello.txt to edit

  • Start a new git

    After find your work directory

    git init

  • Store your files

    git add filename or git add . to add all your file in the current directory

  • Check git status git status

    Now you can see your files have added

      On branch master
      Initial commit
     Changes to be committed:
     (use "git rm --cached <file>..." to unstage)
      new file:   color.txt
      new file:   hello.txt
      new file:   touch
  • Check the difference

    If you make some change in the file hello.text

    git diff difference between work dict and stage

    	diff --git a/color.txt b/color.txt
    	index d30c108..2e0df5d 100644
    	--- a/color.txt
    	+++ b/color.txt
    	@@ -1 +1 @@
    	+Red, pink

    git diff --cached difference between stage and master

    git diff HEAD -- difference between work dict and master

      diff --git a/color.txt b/color.txt
      index d30c108..2e0df5d 100644
      --- a/color.txt
      +++ b/color.txt
      @@ -1 +1 @@
     +Red, pink
  • Store what in your stage to master

    git add writes into stage,but git commit writes from stage to master

    git commit -m "1st submit"

    [master (root-commit) 39ebede] 1st submit
    3 files changed, 2 insertions(+)
    create mode 100644 color.txt
    create mode 100644 hello.txt
    create mode 100644 touch
  • To restore all those deleted files git ls-files -d | xargs git checkout --

  • To remove the git from project directory rm -rf .git

  • Log

    git log

    commit 39ebededfa95f30b777bd1c257079d86fe824a6b (HEAD -> master)
    Author: yuliliclover <>
    Date:   Sun Feb 25 00:38:10 2018 -0500
      1st submit
  • Cancel those in stage from being committed to master

    I made change in two files, but just commit one to the master

    git status -s

    M color.txt
    M hello.txt

    ` git add .`

    git status

    On branch master
    Changes to be committed:
    (use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage)
      modified:   color.txt
      modified:   hello.txt

    git reset HEAD -- color.txt to cancel this commit to master

     Unstaged changes after reset:
     M	color.txt

    git status -s

      M color.txt
    M  hello.txt

    git commit -m "change"

    [master 0cf29e4] change
    1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

    git log

    Author: yuliliclover <>
    Date:   Sun Feb 25 00:59:53 2018 -0500
    commit 39ebededfa95f30b777bd1c257079d86fe824a6b
    Author: yuliliclover <>
    Date:   Sun Feb 25 00:38:10 2018 -0500
      1st submit

  • Recover your last version from master to work dict

    Very dangerous!!! You have to remember your last commit clearly!

    git diff

       diff --git a/color.txt b/color.txt
       index d30c108..b08fdac 100644
       --- a/color.txt
       +++ b/color.txt
       @@ -1 +1 @@
        +Red, pink, blue
        diff --git a/hello.txt b/hello.txt
        index 8d6e1e9..716319a 100644 
        --- a/hello.txt
        +++ b/hello.txt
        @@ -1 +1 @@
        -Hello World! Goodbye!
        +Hello World! Goodbye!jhdsoi[oaidhhcoiajiojeoijr

    git checkout hello.txt only recover this file from last commit

    git diff

        diff --git a/color.txt b/color.txt
        index d30c108..b08fdac 100644
        --- a/color.txt
        +++ b/color.txt
        @@ -1 +1 @@
        +Red, pink, blue
  • Revert to previous version

    git reflog to see all your changes

     7780f1f (HEAD -> master) HEAD@{0}: commit: change2
     39ebede HEAD@{1}: reset: moving to HEAD~1
     0cf29e4 HEAD@{2}: commit: change
     39ebede HEAD@{3}: commit (initial): 1st submit

    You should keep the first number according to your commit msg

    Say you want to return “change”

    git reset --hard 0cf29e4

     HEAD is now at 0cf29e4 change